3rd Annual PBES Macy's Day Parade When: November 23rd 3:00 to 3:15 Where: PBES Playground The PBES Macy's Day Parade is open to all parents and community members. The Parade will be held at the playground (Weather permitting) and the 5th grade class will walk by all participants showing their hand made floats. The activity will be lead by Morgan Kuykendall, Darla Torix and Cindy Bennett. Any questions please call Jennifer Hickok- School Building Principal at PBES.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hickok
FBMS Mustangs Girls basketball Jamboree. Go Mustangs!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
FBMS Mustangs basketball Jamboree
CHS volleyball— Fillies lose a tough hard battle against Townsend in 5 games. Take 4th place overall in a very tough Southern division. Nice work Fillies!!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Volleyball Dovisional tournament— Fillies beat Baker in 3 games. Advance to the next game and take on Broadwater (Townsend). Game time will be close to 7:00 pm start time. Go Fillies!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Volleyball-- Fillies will play Baker at the 2:30 pm game. Southern Divisional games are running a little behind with close back and forth games every single match up. Go Fillies!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a regular meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday November 8, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot. The meeting can also be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3229686888?pwd=Qk50TUVQZDJUMnVQMEtkMlZ0NWJrUT09 Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
about 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
Southern Divisional tournament— Fillies lose a hard fought battle between Jefferson. Lose in 4. Fillies will play tomorrow at 2:30 pm. Nice work Fillies!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
Southern B Divisional Volleyball updates for the first round posted! Check out the Athletics tab and scroll to Nov. 4th to follow also!
about 3 years ago, Kris McManus
COLSTRIP HIGH SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: CHS is inviting all of the parents of our students to attend the annual Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, 11/10, and Thursday 11/11 from 4:00 pm. to 7:00 pm. Please take the time to talk to your child's teachers.
about 3 years ago, Matt Torix
Fillies win in 3 with a comeback in game 3. Fillies will play at 4:30 pm. Way to go Fillies!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
Colstrip Fillies start the Southern Divisional volleyball tournament today at 10:30 am taking on the Red Lodge Rams at Huntley Project school. Good luck Fillies! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/huntley-project-high-school-worden-mt/gam73996b5ac6
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
Divisional VB Tourney this week/weekend in Worden. The Fillies open up on Thursday at 10:30 am. v. Red Lodge. Go Fillies Go!
about 3 years ago, Matt Torix
Divisional Volleyball Bracket
CHS volleyball— Fillies beat Baker in 3. Advance to the Championship game tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Nice work Fillies!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
SUPERINTENDENT REMINDER: There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday, October 29, 2021 due to Teacher Training and Work Day. Once again, there is no school tomorrow. Please have a safe Halloween Weekend.
about 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
School reminder with hand and pumpkin
Fillies win in 3 against Lame Deer will play at 7:00 pm tonight! Nice job Fillies!
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Policy Review Committee Meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday November 1, 2021 beginning at 4:15 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot.
about 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
CHS Volleyball-- 3B District Tournament in Forsyth starting today Thursday 10/28 and continues through Friday 10/29. Link is posted below to watch games broadcasted on the NFHS Network. Fillies play at 1:00 PM today. If you are having trouble finding the games search Forsyth, MT in NFHS and it will come to MHSA 3B volleyball tournament. Good luck Fillies! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/forsyth-high-school-forsyth-mt/gam6da7b33531
about 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 10th and 11th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. At PBES we are limiting the time of each conference between 10 to 15 minutes. Time is limited based on the number of students within each classroom. PBES teachers will be reaching out to their classroom parents to schedule individual conferences. We encourage all parents to come and meet with the teachers.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hickok
3rd Annual Macy's Day Parade at PBES will be held on the 23rd of November. The 5th grade classes with be supported by Ms. Kuykendall, Mrs. Torix and Mrs. Bennett as they create their floats for the up and coming PBES Macy's Day Parade. Weather permitting the Parade will be held outside at 3:00 p.m. on the playground. Parents are welcome to attend.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hickok
The Multicultural Club is hosting a Halloween Dance at FBMS on Thursday, October 28 from 7:00-8:30. The price of admission is $3. Concessions will be available! There will be games, face painting, a photo booth, and more! They can wear their costumes for school for a fee of $1. Those proceeds go to NJHS. There will be a costume parade with judging of costumes. Lots of fun at FBMS!
about 3 years ago, Alicia O'Toole