FBMS Concert is Tuesday, March 11, 2025 beginning at 6:30 PM. Please join us for an evening of musical performances by the 6th grade Band, 7-8th grade Band, and 6-8th grade Choirs! See you tomorrow evening!

***Transportation Notice*** Due to driver shortage, we will be utilizing the one-route system several times next week. Please see the attached schedule for times and stops.
We will not be picking up any out of district students when utilizing the one-route system. We will be using the one-route system on the following dates and times:
Tuesday, 3/11 AM & PM
Wednesday, 3/12 PM only
Thursday, 3/13 PM only
Friday , 3/14 AM & PM
Out of district families will be responsible for their student's transportation during the dates and times that we are utilizing a 1-route system.
We apologize for the inconvenience

Colstrip Public School's Science Fair- April 29, 2025. Set up will be on the afternoon of the 28th from 4-6 pm. Judging is on the 29th with an open house that night from 6-7 pm. Sign ups are in the office.

CHS Cheer Showcase- The CHS Cheer team would like to invite the community to attend a Cheer Competition Showcase on Wednesday, March 19th at 6 PM in the CHS gym. There is no cost, just come out to support our Cheerleaders and give them an amazing send off to CheerFest! Please enter through the front doors and we hope to see you there.

***Transportation Notice***
Due to driver shortage, we will be utilizing the one-route system several times next week. Please see the attached schedule for times and stops. We will not be picking up any out of district students when utilizing the one-route system.
We will be using the one-route system on the following dates and times:
Tuesday, 3/11 AM & PM
Wednesday, 3/12 PM only
Thursday, 3/13 PM only
Friday , 3/14 AM & PM
We apologize for the inconvenience

Out of District paperwork is due back to the Central Office by the New Due Date: 1st Friday in March ( March 7, 2025). Please send in the ORIGINAL FP14.1 or 14.2 paperwork to Kris McManus @ Central Office. Late applications will NOT be accepted. Thank you!

Wellness Message for March 2025: Hand Washing is important!

Come One, Come All to the FBMS School Carnival! It will be on March 20, 2025 in the FBMS Gym from 5:00-7:00 PM! We hope to see everyone there for a fun filled evening!

Please join us for an evening of entertainment as FBMS presents Beauty and The Beast: Bed and Breakfast! The play will be on March 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the FBMS Auditorium. We look forward to seeing you there!

CHS Art Club will be hosting the Annual Talent Show on Tuesday, March 4th at 6:30 PM. Doors will open at 5:30 with pizza and drinks available to purchase prior to the show. No food or drink will be allowed in the auditorium.

Due to scheduling conflicts, the date of the FBMS Track Parent Meeting has been changed to Monday, March 10th.Also, the date of the first FBMS Track Practice has been moved from 3/19 to 3/17.
Please note: On 3/17 and 3/18 the activity bus will be a white bus and will only have seating for 14 students. The activity bus will resume with a yellow bus on 3/19.

Colstrip School District has Two (2) Board of Trustee positions for Three (3) year terms open for annual election to be held on May 6, 2025. Please contact Britney Allen in the Central Office if you would like to apply or need more information. Deadline to apply is March 27th.

***Transportation Notice***
There wil be no activity bus the week of March 3rd-March 7th. The activity bus will resume Monday-Thursday beginning Monday, March 10th.

Although our teams failed to advance to the divisional tournament, both teams grew over the course of this season and represented the school, the community, and their families with pride and dignity.
The Colts team improved consistently over the season and played two thrillingly close games against tough opponents in the tournament. The team never quit and left everything on the court, it was exciting to see them play and to know they have established a foundation for the future that is bright.
The Fillies came within one game of advancing to divisionals, and fought hard all the way. The seniors on the team showed their class throughout the season, working to get better and never giving up. The underclasswomen have developed into a skilled core that fought their way through the tournament and will be exciting to watch as they build on lessons learned to thrill and inspire us next season and beyond.
Please congratulate both teams as you see them at school and in the community, they carried the Colstrip name with pride, and I am honored to know each and every one of them. Thank you to these student athletes and their families for sharing their talents with the school. It has been a fun run.

ATHLETICS NOTICE CHS/FBMS** We are two weeks out from spring sports starting at Colstrip Public Schools. CHS Spring Athletics start Monday, March 10th and FBMS Athletics start Monday, March 17th. All paperwork is available on the school website in Athletics/Documents/Participation Packet. Physicals must be completed by a licensed health care provider. Athletes MAY NOT begin practice without a completed packet and a paid Activity Fee. Impact Testing must be completed every two years by ALL students that plan to participate in athletics. Once completed, the packet is good for all sports and activities for the entire school year. Paperwork for CPS sports includes: 1) Student Physical 2)Concussion Statement 3) Permission slip with parent signature 4) Drug Testing Consent Form 5) Activity Fee: $75 CHS $50 FBMS ($200 Maximum Family for enrolled CHS/FBMS students) . If you have questions please contact: thomas.dusold@colstrip.k12.mt.us or terri.bowen@colstrip.k12.mt.us Link to packet: https://www.colstrippublicschools.org/documents/athletics-%26-activities/2024-2025-athletic-participation-packet/496523

PINE BUTTE ELEMENTARY NEWS: Kindergarten Registration DAY! Registration will be held on Friday March 14, 2025 @ Frank Brattin Middle School from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please call the Pine Butte Office to make your appointment today @ 406-748-4699 ext. 1339.

CENTRAL OFFICE: Reminder Out of District paperwork is due back to the Central Office by the NEW DUE DATE: 1st Friday in March ( March 7, 2025). Please send in the original FP14.1 paperwork that you should have received in the mail to Kris McManus @ Central Office. Late applications will not be accepted. Thank you!

Regular Board Meeting
Monday, February 24, 2025
Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a Regular meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday February 24, 2025 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot. The meeting can also be attended electronically through Google Meet:
Regular School Board Meeting
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mno-vizy-toy

SUPERINTENDENT'S MESSAGE: Due to extreme temperatures, Colstrip Public Schools will have a 2 hour late start tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th to allow temperatures to rise. Once again, all buses and classes will run 2 hours behind schedule on Wednesday February 19th. Breakfast will not be served.

CHS Transportation Notice- There will be NO Activity Bus Wednesday, February 19th or Thursday, February 20th.