SUPERINTENDENT REMINDER: The first day of school is Thursday, August 19, 2021. It will be a full day of school. Friday, August 21, 2020 will be a partial day of school. Please see the details below for school start and end times. Full Day: this is a regular day of school.Typical days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the following times: Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 3:25 PM Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM Middle School: 8:10 AM - 3:45 PM High School: 8:05 AM - 3:33 PM Partial Days: School is dismissed early. These days are scheduled on Fridays. Partial day times: Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 2:25 PM Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM Middle School: 8:10 AM - 2:45 PM High School: 8:05 AM - 2:33 PM Busses will run at their regular times.
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a Work Session of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Wednesday, August 4, 2021 beginning at 5:00 PM. This work session of the Board will be held in person at the Colstrip High School Library.
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT UPDATE: SCHOOL SAFETY AND RETURN TO SCHOOL: This is a reminder that District is following the Safe Return to School Plan located on the School Website at: The District is currently in Phase III (based on guidance and recommendations from the Governor, Local Health Department, and Montana Office of Public Instruction). We are anticipating school opening August 19, 2021, as planned, with the following measures in place: ● Food services provided on site for all students ● Transportation is provided ● Students rotate through schedules and routines as normal ● Parental involvement in health screening required prior to school entry ● Health screening and hand sanitizing upon entry when feasible ● Hand-washing and germ transmission prevention pro-actively taught and frequently encouraged ● Frequent sanitizing of physical space and equipment ● Face coverings are at discretion of each individual ● Public access to schools available ● Primary delivery of instruction and learning will be on-site with traditional schedules ● The Blended Learning Model will transition back to on-site instruction. ● Field trips allowed ● Mass gatherings allowed ● Student or staff related travel allowed ● School activities and school-related travel resume
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTE: School is just around the corner! Parents, students and staff can expect "Back to School" communication to start the first week of August. We will use the School Website to post live feeds, news and events. You will be able to find all of your "Back to School" information and updates right here at
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More), On June 29, 2021, I just learned that our District was awarded National Systems Accreditation through Cognia, formerly AdvancED. I just want to thank everyone for the hard work they put in this last COVID year and took on an internal and external accreditation review to boot. You guys are AWESOME! We did it again! Congratulations everyone, Colstrip is one of the few school districts in Montana to achieve system accreditation (K-12). All of our hard work paid off. Please know we will not receive the certificates for each school for another four weeks. We will have a celebration when you return to school this fall. Have a wonderful summer. See you soon. Bob. Superintendent Bob Lewandowski Colstrip Public School District #19
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT REMINDER: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Thursday July 1, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended in person in the District Board Room located in Colstrip High School Library. You may also join the meeting via Zoom Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT UPDATE: I am sorry to report that the Building Reserve Levies failed. Thank you for your support now and going forward. Elementary District Building Reserve: For - 200 Against - 363 Total - 563 High School District Building Reserve: For - 199 Against - 344 Total - 543
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a regular meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday June 14, 2021. The meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
DEADLINE IS DRAWING CLOSE REQUEST FOR ADMISSION TO COLSTRIP SCHOOLS OUT-OF-DISTRICT STUDENT Enrollment deadline: June 10 School Year 21-22 Please contact Kathy LaDuke in the Central Office at 406-748-4699 x 3400 or
almost 4 years ago, Kathy LaDuke
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Facilities & Transportation Committee of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday June 7, 2021 beginning at 4:15 PM. The meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday June 7, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Technology Committee of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday May 27, 2021 beginning at 4:15 PM. The meeting can be attended electronically. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a regular meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday May 10, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Due to Montana Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Friday, April 30, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Due to Montana Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
FBMS ATHLETICS: With weather not improving tomorrow we have rescheduled FBMS Track Meet that is scheduled for Tomorrow, Friday April 23rd to Friday May 7th. Start time 9:00 AM. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Kris McManus
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Board Meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday April 12, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT ALERT: All android users. You can now download the School District App. Go to your Google Play Store and download now!!!
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
Google Play Store App
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Tuesday, April 6, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Due to Montana Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: In response to a petition filed by the Colstrip Faculty Association, a temporary restraining order has been issued by the Montana Sixteenth Judicial District Court reinstating a mask requirement for all persons present on District property, effective immediately. The District is required by law to comply with this order of the Court.
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
The following individuals have filed to run for the 1-year trustee position in the May 4th election: Shawn Breyer, DeeAnne Egan, Stephanie Lovato, Ryan McPherson The following individuals have filed to run for the two 3-year trustee positions in the May 4th election: A.J. Barnes, Steve Becker, Rose Hanser, Spiro Mack, Sabrina Neiman The deadline for write-in candidates to file is next Thursday, April 1st. Ballots will be certified on April 2nd.
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski