SUPERINTENDENT REMINDER: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Thursday July 1, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended in person in the District Board Room located in Colstrip High School Library. You may also join the meeting via Zoom Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT UPDATE: I am sorry to report that the Building Reserve Levies failed. Thank you for your support now and going forward. Elementary District Building Reserve: For - 200 Against - 363 Total - 563 High School District Building Reserve: For - 199 Against - 344 Total - 543
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a regular meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday June 14, 2021. The meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
DEADLINE IS DRAWING CLOSE REQUEST FOR ADMISSION TO COLSTRIP SCHOOLS OUT-OF-DISTRICT STUDENT Enrollment deadline: June 10 School Year 21-22 Please contact Kathy LaDuke in the Central Office at 406-748-4699 x 3400 or
over 3 years ago, Kathy LaDuke
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Facilities & Transportation Committee of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday June 7, 2021 beginning at 4:15 PM. The meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday June 7, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Technology Committee of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday May 27, 2021 beginning at 4:15 PM. The meeting can be attended electronically. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a regular meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday May 10, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Due to Montana Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Friday, April 30, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Due to Montana Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
FBMS ATHLETICS: With weather not improving tomorrow we have rescheduled FBMS Track Meet that is scheduled for Tomorrow, Friday April 23rd to Friday May 7th. Start time 9:00 AM. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Kris McManus
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Board Meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday April 12, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT ALERT: All android users. You can now download the School District App. Go to your Google Play Store and download now!!!
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
Google Play Store App
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Tuesday, April 6, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Due to Montana Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: In response to a petition filed by the Colstrip Faculty Association, a temporary restraining order has been issued by the Montana Sixteenth Judicial District Court reinstating a mask requirement for all persons present on District property, effective immediately. The District is required by law to comply with this order of the Court.
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
The following individuals have filed to run for the 1-year trustee position in the May 4th election: Shawn Breyer, DeeAnne Egan, Stephanie Lovato, Ryan McPherson The following individuals have filed to run for the two 3-year trustee positions in the May 4th election: A.J. Barnes, Steve Becker, Rose Hanser, Spiro Mack, Sabrina Neiman The deadline for write-in candidates to file is next Thursday, April 1st. Ballots will be certified on April 2nd.
over 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT UPDATE: THREE TIME STATE CLASS B CHAMPION: It was an honor seeing Rylin Kyle Burns win his third State Wrestling Championship. Rylin is the senior leader on the team and in Class B as well. Everyone likes and respects this young man. It is great to see good things happen for great people. The photo of you with your parents is my favorite! CONGRATULATIONS Rylin! Way to MAKE DUST!!! I have got a number of photos yet to share of our other Champion (Zack Valdez) and wrestling team at the State meet, but I wanted to get this post and photos out to our senior Champion first.
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
Rylin Burns getting a hug from his Mom and Dad after winning his 3rd State Wrestling Championship.
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a Special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday February 25, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM. Due to Montana Governor's declaration and restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the meeting can be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 322 968 6888 Passcode: 741925
almost 4 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
Unfortunately, due to a flood we are not having school tomorrow and the rest of the week. School will be remote this week.
almost 4 years ago, Colstrip Public Schools