Spring has sprung at PBES! Just a couple quick notes. Update - April 29th will be Kindergarten Roundup. Please call Tami at the office at PBES to schedule your Kindergarten student for the 2022-2023 school year. April 29th will be Colstrip Schools yearly Child Find for any child Birth to Pre-school age. The Child Find is by appointment only. The time is scheduled from 1 to 2 p.m. This is a way for your child to be assessed developmentally for possible academic interventions. May 23rd is Field Day at PBES. A complete schedule will be posted by May 1st for the scheduled events. The last day of school for students is May 25th, with a dismissal time for K-3rd grade at 12:10 and Grades 4-5 will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Hickok
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Technology Committee of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Thursday, March 31, 2022 beginning at 4:15 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Wednesday March 30, 2022 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot. The meeting can also be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85991833921?pwd=aUU4TG56UEZ1S2FMRWhuaWtMMTVtUT09
almost 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
CHS Softball-- If your athlete plays CHS girls softball there will be a softball parents meeting at the CHS auditorium Monday 3/28 at 6:00 PM. If you are unable to attend please feel free to give me a call if you have questions. Andrew Torgerson, AD Andrew.torgerson@colstrip.k12.mt.us 406-740-0862
almost 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
FBMS Track and Field-- FBMS Track and Field will have practice this week Monday 3/28 - Thursday 3/31 held at CHS. Please pick up your athlete at CHS. If you have any questions please let us know. Go Mustangs! Andrew Torgerson, AD Andrew.torgerson@colstrip.k12.mt.us Cell#: 406-740-0862
almost 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
Colstrip High School: Bird Capjohn-Wolf is working on his Learning Service Project and needs your help. "I am collecting contact information for veterans and people currently serving in the military who are from Rosebud or Treasure counties. If you know someone that deserves a letter of appreciation for serving our country please fill out the form below with their contact information!" https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11CS4Hmnnl0KHpmdfSxdb1CGHx7EHE56SeiI4mfU388I/viewform?edit_requested=true
almost 3 years ago, Matt Torix
TRANSPORTATION UPDATE: The District will be able to run a 3 route bus system this afternoon. A substitute driver became available at the last minute. Sorry for the planning inconvenience.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
REMINDER March 25, 2022, today is an early release day: Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 2:25 PM Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM Middle School: 8:10 AM - 2:45 PM High School: 8:05 AM - 2:35 PM. If you have any questions please contact the building Principal.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: The Colstrip City Maintenance Department has notified the District that due to the replacement and repair of a water valve, Pine Butte Drive will be closed to through traffic between Vista Drive and Wagoneer Drive (across from Montana Decoy) starting on Tuesday, March 29 through Tuesday, April 5. Please plan your commute to school accordingly.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
Kindergarten Registration Day!! Contact Tami Schutt to schedule an appointment!
almost 3 years ago, Kris McManus
FBMS Track and Field-- Middle School Track and Field starts today. This weeks practice will be held at the Middle school. Parents please pick your athlete up from the middle school for practice 3/21 - 3/24. There will be NO practices on Fridays for Middle School track and field. There will be an activity bus on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you have any questions please let me know. Andrew Torgerson, AD email: andrew.torgerson@colstrip.k12.mt.us cell#: 406-740-0862
almost 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that the Facilities & Transportation Committee of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday, March 21, 2022 beginning at 4:15 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
REMINDER March 18 2022 Friday is an early release day: Elementary K-3: 8:15 AM - 2:25 PM Elementary 4-5: 8:15 AM - 2:30 PM Middle School: 8:10 AM - 2:45 PM High School: 8:05 AM - 2:35 PM If you have any questions please contact the building Principal.
almost 3 years ago, Kathy LaDuke
TRANSPORTATION: Colstrip Public Schools will be running a 2 route system for bussing this afternoon Thursday, March 17th and Friday, March 18th for both am and pm routes. We have worked hard and do not anticipate delays in our routes. Thank you for your patience as we truly appreciate it. Please do not hesitate to call for any questions. 406-748-4699
almost 3 years ago, Kris McManus
Girls basketball championship parade if headed through town!!!! Cheer them on! Go Fillies!
almost 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Basketball— We will be celebrating our Fillies State B basketball championship with a Parade through the town of Colstrip Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Parade will start in the CHS upper parking lot, turn left on Pine Butte Drive, it will then follow Pine Butte drive to power road, turn left on power road towards the power plant. Will loop around to willow and go by the library and police station. Then turn right on Olive and travel down olive until highway 39. Turn right on highway 39 then right again on power road to head back to CHS. You may join in the vehicle parade or cheer the fillies on as they pass by. Go Fillies!
almost 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
SUPERINTENDENT REMINDER: Notice that a regular meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Monday March 14, 2022 beginning at 6:00 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot. The meeting can also be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88338209329?pwd=V3NhY2Zjc2FnKzFkaElRTFZDa3ZIQT09
almost 3 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
NJHS and the Math team worked together to make a memorable Pi Day at FBMS! The students and teachers had a blast! The pictures tell the story!
almost 3 years ago, Alicia O'Toole
Pi Day Festivities!
Pi  Day Fun!
Students having fun!
Pi Day excitement!
Spring Sports--- CHS Spring Sports Starts today Monday 3/14. Softball, Track and Field, Golf. FBMS Spring Sports Track and Field will start Monday 3/21. They will be practicing at CHS. Athletes will ride a bus from FBMS to CHS. Parents can pick their athletes up from CHS. All athletes please make sure to have all paperwork on Dragonfly. Also if you plan to do spring sports please have your athlete tell the offices in their school. There are signup papers at each office. If you happen to have any questions please let me know. Andrew Torgerson, AD email: Andrew.torgerson@colstrip.k12.mt.us Cell#: 406-740-0862
almost 3 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING AT CHS! Our BPA students went from pep and, drum line and basketball directly to the State BPA Competition in Billings. Terron Torix, Rylee Deming, Taylor Smallwood, Cooper Muccillo, Devon Verlanic, Slade Toscano, and Audree Deming. They also spent the year raising money for Special Olympics. Colstrip High School BPA donated $2,504 for Special Olympics Montana! Way to go, students!
almost 3 years ago, Matt Torix