CPS Athletics 1/19-- Good Luck to Middle School Boys Basketball Home vs St. Labre tonight. There will be two games starting at 4:30 PM. Good Luck Colts and Fillies High School Wrestling traveling to Broadus for a mixer tonight. Start time 4:00 PM. Good Luck Colts and Fillies High School Basketball Traveling to Shepherd tonight. Game times: 3:00 PM JV boys, 4:30 PM JV girls, 6:00 PM Var boys, 7:30 PM Var girls. Go Colts! Go Fillies! Go Mustangs!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Notice is hereby given to the governing Board and general public that a special meeting of the Governing Board for the Colstrip School District #19 will be held Friday, January 20, 2023 beginning at 12:45 PM. The meeting can be attended at Colstrip High School in the Lower Level Commons. Entry through Door 24 from the Lower Parking Lot. The meeting can also be attended electronically through Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86032130706?pwd=RkNFTW92aGY1MXRFQ25hb28zNUx2QT09 Meeting ID: 860 3213 0706 Passcode: 565053
about 2 years ago, Bob Lewandowski
CPS Transportation— Taz bus route is running behind schedule this morning. The bus is coming but it is running at least 15 minutes behind schedule. If you have questions please let us know.
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CPS athletics— Good luck to teams participating in events today 1/14. FBMS boys basketball home Jamboree starting at 8:00 am vs Shepherd and St. Francis. CHS boys basketball vs Huntley. JV @ 4:30 pm and Varsity @ 6:00 pm. CHS wrestlers at Cowboy invite in Miles City starting at 8:00 am. Go Colts! Go Fillies! Go Mustangs!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Boys Basketball-- Boys Basketball game times for Saturday 1/14 vs Huntley Project have been updated. 4:30 PM JV 6:00 PM Varsity Go Colts!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Wrestling-- Good luck to Colstrip Colts and Fillies Wrestling Team as they compete at the Cowboy Invite in Miles City today Friday 1/13 and Saturday 1/14. Go Colts! Go Fillies!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Basketball Update— There will be only one game at 6:00 pm Varsity Girls vs St. Labre tonight Thursday 1/12. Go Fillies!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS Friday January 13 2023 PDW For Staff
about 2 years ago, Kathy LaDuke
FBMS Boys Basketball Practice Update-- Middle School Boys Basketball practice today Thursday 1/12 will be held at Pine Butte from 4:00 - 6:00 PM. Students will ride a bus after school from FBMS to Pine Butte for practice. Parents please pick up your child from Pine Butte after practice at 6:00 PM. Middle School Boys Basketball will also practice Friday 1/13 at FBMS from 4:00 - 6:00 PM. There will be no bus for tranportation Friday 1/13. If you have any question please let me know. Andrew Torgerson, AD/Co-Transportation 406-740-0862 andrew.torgerson@colstrip.k12.mt.us
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
FBMS Boys Basketball-- Here is the boys basketball jamboree schedule for Saturday 1/14 at FBMS. Jan. 14th Teams (Shepherd, St. Francis, Colstrip) 8:00 AM Shepherd 8th vs Colstrip A 9:15 AM Shepherd 7th vs Colstrip B 10:30 AM St. Francis 8th vs Shepherd 8th 11:45 AM St. Francis 7th vs Shepherd 7th 1:00 PM Colstrip A vs St. Francis 8th 2:15 PM Colstrip B vs St. Francis 7th
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
Colstrip Public School IS SEEKING HIGHLY MOTIVATED AND ENERGETIC PEOPLE TO JOIN OUR TEAM! Paraeducator (1.0 FTE) MS Paraeducator (2.5 FTE) HS Paraeducator (1.0 FTE) ELEM SPED Certified Teacher(2.0 FTE) Maintenance (1.0 FTE) Network Supervisor Network Technician Bus Drivers Custodial (1.0 FTE) ELEM Custodial (1.0 FTE) MS Water Safety Instructor (.25 FTE) Substitutes (classroom, paraprofessionals, custodial, bus drivers, bus monitor) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zx6jAHTjUQCnjhcThwX16Jlzxi94-L6VB3ZG2Q7oCdY/edit?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Kathy LaDuke
CHS Basketball-- Good luck to our Colts and Fillies Basketball Teams playing Games today Tuesday 1/10: Fillies @ Huntley Project 3:00 PM JV 4:30 PM Varsity Colts @ St. Labre 5:00 PM JV 7:00 PM Varsity Go Colts! Go Fillies
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Basketball— Good luck to Colts and Fillies basketball playing in Baker Sat 1/7. 2:00 JV boys 3:30 JV girls 5:00 Var girls 6:30 Var boys Varsity Game will be broadcasted on KIKC along with NFHS network. Go Colts! Go Fillies!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
FBMS Boys Basketball-- Middle school boys basketball practice will be from 3:00 - 4:30 pm today Friday 1/6. Up to date practice schedule and game schedule is also posted on the news feed. Go Mustangs!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Wrestling--- Good luck to our Colts and Fillies as they compete in the Tom LeProwse Bozeman Wrestling Tournament this weekend starting today Friday 1/6 and continuing Saturday 1/7. Tickets are available for purchase online with the link below: https://gofan.co/app/events/841513?schoolId=MT86763 Schedule: Friday 1/6 wrestling starts at 11:00 AM Sat 1/7 wrestling starts at 9:00 AM Go Colts! Go Fillies!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS Wrestling— Good luck Colts and Fillies wrestling as they compete in Huntley Project mixer tonight starting at 5:00 pm. Go Colts! Go Fillies!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
CHS basketball— First home games of the year for Colts and Fillies held at FBMS. Game times: 3:00 pm JV boys 4:30 pm JV Girls 6:00 pm Varsity Boys 7:30 pm Varsity Girls Go Colts! Go Fillies!
about 2 years ago, Andrew Torgerson
January 6 2023 Friday Early Release: Elementary 8:15 AM- 2:30 PM FBMS 8:10 AM - 2:45 PM CHS 8:05 AM - 2:35 PM
about 2 years ago, Kathy LaDuke
Welcome Back and Happy New Year! Missoula Children's Theatre will be coming to the Colstrip School District April 17th-22nd The play this year is the Emperor's New Clothes. We look forward to seeing everyone tryout for the play this year in April!
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Hickok
Welcome Back to the New Year 2023! Just a reminder that FBMS does have tutoring after school (TAS) and tutoring before school (TBS). TAS is on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:00 with the activity bus running on Mondays and Wednesdays. TBS is daily from 7:30-8:00 and students must check in with their teacher that they are wanting help with. The end of the 2nd quarter is on Thursday, January 12th and ends the first semester of learning!
about 2 years ago, Alicia O'Toole