Map CHS Homecoming Parade

SUPERINTENDENT NOTICE: Its Homecoming Week 2021 and the District would like to invite you to get involved with the activities taking place though-out the week. Because of the bus driver shortage we have changed the traditional Homecoming Parade Route. In the past we have had enough buses and drivers to transport the entire elementary school to the Park for the parade. This year, we will be bringing the parade to the elementary. See the Homecoming Parade Route map for more details. 

The Parade has been moved up an hour and will begin at 1:00 PM on Friday, October 8, 2021 from the staging area in the Upper Parking Lot of the High School (This is where students and the floats will line up). The parade will then proceed out on Pine Butte Drive and into the Ponderosa Butte Golf Course Parking Area. 

The route is 1.62 miles in length, it takes approximately 40 minutes with horses in the parade. So here is the new schedule: 

  • Early Dismissal - FBMS students riding a float or participating in the parade must be checked out by parents. Appropriate paperwork must be on file at the FBMS Office before dismissal is allowed. 

  • 12:30 PM - All other FBMS students and faculty will be picked up at FBMS

  • 12:45 PM - FBMS students and faculty are dropped off at the CHS Roundabout 

  • (Buses will then proceed to the Golf Course and Return for pick up of FBMS students and faculty after the parade goes by and return them to FMBS for dismissal at the regular scheduled time)

  • 1:00 PM - Parade will begin

  • 1:40 PM - FBMS students and staff will be picked Up at the CHS Roundabout

  • 2:00 PM - FBMS student and staff arrive by bus back at FBMS

  • 2:20 PM - Buses will return to PBES for regular scheduled PM Routes

    • Pick up at PBMS Regular PM Route

    • Pick up at CHS Regular PM Route

    • Pick up at FBMS Regular PM Route

  • 2:30 PM - Parade Ends at CHS

  • FBMS Students participating in the parade (riding a float and etc.) that ride a bus may get on at CHS for their regular PM Route pick-up.

  • All other dismissal times will be announce by the building administration

The public is invited to park in the Softball Field Parking Lot. Parents and public are asked to get there before 12:30 PM as traffic will be stopped on Pine Butte Drive for the parade and you might miss it if you aren't there early. The parade will continue back on Pine Butte Drive and head to Pine Butte Elementary School. It will go through the Bus Drop Off and head back to the Upper Parking Lot at Colstrip High School. Go to https://www.colstrippublicscho... to find out more about HOMECOMING 2021.